When you shop online, you are unable to choose a specific amount, or enter how much of the Physical Gift Card or e-Gift Card you would like to redeem.
The website will calculate the amount it will redeem from the card – so, if total of the online order is higher than the amount available to redeem on your gift card, the full gift card balance will be redeemed and your gift card balance will be zero.
If the total to pay for your online order is less that the value of the remaining balance on your gift card, then the total value of your online order will be redeemed and the remaining balance left on your card will be displayed online at the checkout.
Once you have added the Gift Card at the payment stage, a message will also be displayed at the checkout so you can see the remaining balance on the card (this will display as $0.00 if you have used all of the amount available to redeem on your card).
If you are in-store, you can choose the amount you wish to redeem.